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Shared Care Workshop focuses on collaboration for health care priorities

Nov 16, 2021 - 12:00am

“Moving forward … one mind, one heart, one family” – Colleen Pierre, Katzie First Nation 

Colleen Pierre’s moving accounts of her poor treatment in our health care system, gratitude for our work, encouragement to continue to strive to improve care for Indigenous patients, and her blessing and song, set an inspirational tone for the next three mornings for the 137 attendees of Shared Care’s Physician and Project Leads Workshop. This was the largest number of attendees to date.

Each year, the workshop provides the opportunity for all involved in Shared Care work – family doctors, specialists, Shared Care Committee (SCC), divisions of Family Practice, SCC staff, and others – to collectively share and learn, and to commit to actions to improve what we do – from initial ideas on bridging gaps and coordinating care, to ensuring lasting legacies from our efforts.

Something for everybody

This year’s agenda covered a wide variety of topics as Shared Care’s work evolves and planning continues on how to best structure initiatives for maximum collective impact.

Input was requested on SCC strategies and priorities, and sessions centred on support, tools, and resources for physicians and project teams around evaluation, spread, sustainability, and virtual care.  

A variety of presentations showcased innovative projects that are making a real difference, including; virtual and collaborative psychiatry models, CBT skills training, and medication reviews for seniors.

Feedback showed that the diversity of topics was appreciated, particularly the opportunity to learn about the work of others, the discussions focused on Indigenous cultural safety and humility, and engaging local Indigenous communities in SCC work. 

Wise words

'Working together to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally safe health care system' was one of the most highly rated sessions of the three days. A conversation with Grand Chief Doug Kelly, a Senior Advisor for the Stó:lō Tribal Council, brought his wise and honest perspective to the challenges of creating the health care system we want and need, and how we can get there. “Learn to listen, listen to learn, ask questions to understand“, he advises.

View the recording for the full conversation, and learn why Grand Chief Kelly believes it is important for every health care provider to practice the three C’s – clarity, compassion, and courage.  

Insights, challenges, and opportunities

As hoped, the many discussions during the workshop provided greater insight on participant perspectives on SCC and what works well, challenges to success, and suggested opportunities for increased support and strategic direction for the committee.

Hopes for next year

Participants expressed a wish to meet in person as soon as feasible, but were highly appreciative of the organizational efforts to replicate the event virtually.

Virtual or in person, the passion of those involved in the work, and the rewards of collaboration and teamwork made possible with the support of Shared Care, were evident throughout the workshop. 

“In my medical career of forty years, this is the most fulfilling work I have ever been involved in, and I don’t say this lightly”, says Dr Charles Helm, Family Physician Lead for a Northern Medication Management project.

links for recorded sessions and resources

Access tools and resources promised during the workshop at our new Shared Care Learning Centre, which also provides a project search function.

This one-page feedback summary shows how you rated the workshop, and what you told us works well, as well as challenges and opportunities around SCC work. 

View key presentations from the three mornings. View what you missed, or pass on to interested colleagues:

Shared Care project Rapid Fire presentations
00:07    Developing a Virtual Psychiatry Consultations prototype (28 mins)
28:10    Supporting patients during long waits for Psychiatry Consults while addressing needs from the COVID- 19 pandemic (23 mins)
51:00    Northern seniors reaping benefits from medication reviews (29 mins)
Working together to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally-safe health care system: a conversation with Grand Chief Doug Kelly
How to engage Indigenous communities in your Shared Care project
Presentation on virtual care statements & how to apply them
SCC evaluation
CBT Skills Group Program - What makes spread possible and how you can be involved
Planning & new funding for sustainable outcomes

Any questions please contact

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