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Meeting Summaries


Select a year below to see the Shared Care Committee meeting summaries for all meetings that took place that year.



PDF icon May

  • CoP Infographic
  • Welcome and Farewell
  • Allocation of Surgical Funds
  • SCC eCASE Decision Brief
  • Communicate and Discuss Progress on Key Deliverables
  • Defining/Re-defining Shared Care
  • Setting up the Review Panel for Success
  • Set Out a Framework for the Focus of Meetings Throughout 2024-25
  • Explore QI Opportunities for Committee Members

PDF icon April

  • Funding approvals
  • JCC Staffing Update
  • Physician Services Committee Annual Orientation Letter
  • Shared Care Semi-Annual Report
  • Integrated Model for Health and Wellbeing in Burnaby
  • Open Discussion

PDF icon March

  • Funding approvals
  • Doctors of BC Strategic Plan
  • Connected Health System
  • Physician Quality Improvement (PQI) Alums Update
  • Health and Justice Alliance Collaborative Initiatives Discussion
  • Communities of Practice (CoP) Discussion

PDF icon February

  • Funding approvals
  • Committee welcomes and farewells
  • Shared Care 2.0
  • PSC-JCC Workshop Impact Summary Overview
  • FPSC Workplan and Strategy: PCN Governance

PDF icon January

  • Funding approvals
  • Committee welcomes and farewells
  • Communities of Practice (CoP) Infographic
  • JCC Indigenous Specific Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety Steering Committee
  • SCC Terms of Reference
  • SCC Expression of Interest (EOI) Intake and Review Process Update
  • Key Findings and Next Steps from Physician Services Committee (PSC) Priority Engagements

PDF icon November

  • Committee welcomes and farewells
  • Communities of Practice Update
  • Physician Leadership Scholarship Program Recommendations and Update
  • Pain BC Partnership Presentation and Discussion
  • SCC 2024–25 Workplan and Budget
  • Briefing Note: eCase JCC Co-Chairs 2023-2024 Workplan and Budget Updates Perinatal Community of Practice Event Report SQI Overview

PDF icon October

  • Community of Practice Infographic
  • SCC Terms of Reference Update
  • JCC Co-Chairs 2024–25 Workplan and Budget Update
  • Strategic Planning
  • Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use (CYMHSU) Community of Practice (CoP) Update
  • Connected Health System (CHS) Strategy Update

PDF icon September

  • Direction from Physician Services Committee (PSC)
  • Shared Care Input in Spread and Alumni Activities Shared Care Semi-Annual Report 2023
  • Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) and Shared Care Digital Health Strategy Status Update
  • North Shore Division of Family Practice: ADHD Spread - Project Update
  • Open Discussion
  • Perinatal CoP 2023–25 Strategic Plan Presentation SCC Budget Update Shared Care Strategic Planning

PDF icon June

  • Direction from Physician Services Committee (PSC)
  • Shared Care Input in Spread and Alumni Activities
  • Shared Care Semi-Annual Report 2023
  • Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) and Shared Care
  • Digital Health Strategy Status Update
  • North Shore Division of Family Practice: ADHD Spread - Project Update

PDF icon May

  • August 2023 SCC Meeting Cancelled
  • Physician and Project Leads Workshop Debrief
  • Physician Quality Improvement (PQI) Alumni and Shared Care Spreading Quality Improvement (SQI)

PDF icon April

  • Creating Quality Impact (CQI) Working Group Update
  • Shared Care Call for Proposals
  • East Kootenay Liver Care Project

PDF icon March

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Spread Initiative Evaluation Update
  • JCC Co-Chairs 2023–2024 Workplan
  • SCC Finalized 2023–2024 Workplan

PDF icon February

  • Funding for Connected Health System Provider Experience Briefing Note
  • Presentation Update on DHS
  • Physician Quality Improvement (PQI) Update
  • CYMHSU CoP 2023-2025 Strategic Plan

PDF icon December

  • Thank You and Farewell Dr Elisabeth Baerg Hall
  • Debrief from the SSC/SCC Alignment Workshop
  • SCC 2023–2024 Workplan
  • Health System Innovation
  • Compassionate Leadership Training for SCC Members
  • JCC Physician Leadership Scholarship Overview

PDF icon November

  • Funding Approvals
  • AMHSU Updates and Next Steps
  • Chronic Disease CoP Updates
  • SCC 2023–2024 Workplan

PDF icon October

  • Funding Approvals
  • 2022–2023 Workplan Adjustments and 2023–2024 Strategic Planning Project Updates
  • Chronic Disease Community of Practice
  • Adult Mental Health Substance Use
  • SSC/SCC Planning and Priorities for November 9 and 10 Workshop
  • Reminder—2023 SCC Meeting Dates

PDF icon September

  • Funding Approvals
  • Proposals Summary Report
  • SCC Strategic Plan - 2022/23 Work Plan

PDF icon August

  • Funding Approvals
  • Pain BC Demo Presentation
  • EOI/Proposal Process Finalization
  • Digital Health Strategy and Connected Health System Update
  • Spreading Quality Improvement (SQI) Overview with Shared Care

PDF icon June

  • Funding Approvals
  • EOI/Proposal Consultation
  • Centre of Excellence Update
  • RACE Update
  • Medication Management Update
  • Sunshine Coast Palliative Care Presentation
  • ADHD Skills Project Update

PDF icon May

  • Funding Approvals
  • Physician Services Committee
  • Emergency Preparedness Project
  • SSC/SCC Leadership Scholarship Review

PDF icon April

  • Funding Approvals
  • CBT Skills Training Evaluation Framework
  • Cowichan Orthopedic Project
  • Transform the Family Justice System Collaborative
  • Chronic Disease Community of Practice

PDF icon March

  • Funding Approvals
  • Chronic Disease Community of Practice
  • Shared Measures
  • SCC Networks Assessment
  • Measurement System for Physician Quality Measurement
  • Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility

PDF icon February

  • Funding Approvals
  • JCC Funding request
  • Event debrief: Maternity Community of Practice
  • Next steps: Adult Mental Health and Substance Use Network

PDF icon  January


PDF icon December

  • Funding Approvals
  • Collaborative Workshop Overview
  • 2022/23 Workplan and Budget Final Approval
  • Digital Health Strategy/Patient Summaries Update

PDF icon November

  • Funding Approvals
  • Committee Updates
  • Draft Strategic Framework and 2022/23 Work Plan
  • CYMHSU Community of Practice (CoP): Access to Justice Request and Update
  • RACE Update and Funding Request

PDF icon October

  • Funding Approvals
  • Committee Updates
  • SCC Strategic Planning and 2022/23 Work Plan Workshop
  • Fraser Northwest Cancer Care Project – Breast Health Clinic
  • Update on the Cultural Safety & Humility Strategy by Doctors of BC
  • Physician Services Committee (PSC) Priorities

PDF icon September

  • Funding Approvals
  • Committee Updates
  • Strategic Planning Workshop
  • Presentation: Chronic Disease Community of Practice
  • Presentation: CBT Skills Spread Initiative

PDF icon August

  • Funding Approvals
  • Committee Updates
  • Presentation: Victoria Supportive Cardiology project
  • Presentation: 2021/22 Work Plan
  • Discussion: RACE Ownership / eCASE Sustainability

PDF icon June

  • Funding Approvals
  • Presentation: 2021/22 Work Plan Review
  • Update: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Update
  • Update: Integration Council - Virtual Care

PDF icon May

  • Funding Approvals
  • Presentation: Year-End Financial Update & 2021/22 Workplan
  • Presentation: JCCs and Cultural Safety and Humility
  • Update: PCNs
  • Presentation: Physician Perspectives on the Referral Process

PDF icon April

  • Funding Approvals
  • Update: JCC Inpatient Care Task Force
  • Presentation: Informing a Coordinated Approach to Cultural Safety & Humility
  • Presentation: Supporting QI Efforts Across SSC and SCC

PDF icon March

  • Funding Approvals
  • Presentation: Physican Health Program and JCC Collaboration
  • Update: SCC and Single Entry Model Projects
  • Presentation: Mind Health BC

PDF icon February

  • Funding Approvals
  • Update: RACE
  • Update and Recommendations: eCASE
  • Decision: Supporting projects with sustainability
  • Presentation: Northern BC Medication Management Project 

PDF icon January

  • Funding Approvals
  • Update: Engagement and Quality Improvement (EQI) Department Update
  • Decision: CBT Skills Implementation Plan
  • Decision: Patient Summaries Implementation Plan